Entrio platform

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Find & Catalog Open Source Solutions

Our Live Solutions Catalog now includes open source projects, providing you with a comprehensive platform to search for and track all your third-party solutions in one place. These new profiles offer the same detailed overview, taxonomy information, and peer insights as our vendor and product profiles, alongside relevant news articles to keep you informed.

Additionally, you'll find specific information unique to open source solutions, such as the repository, programming languages used, license types, forks, last updated date, and other crucial details. With this enhancement, staying up-to-date on and keeping track of the open source solutions your organization uses has never been easier.
A screenshot of an open source project profile in Entrio's Live Solutions Catalog.

View Version Information

Relevant software solutions now include version history with version names, release dates, support dates, and if applicable extended support dates and EOL dates.
A screenshot of version history in Entrio's Live Solutions Catalog.
Dashboards & features

Executive Data Summary

Access and review the results of Entrio’s data cleansing and normalization engines. Here you can review a high level summary of the data repositories you submitted, the discrepancies between them, original and normalized names of companies and solutions, and a list of any companies or solutions we couldn’t match. 
Screenshot of the results of Entrio’s data cleansing and normalization engine.
This information is from a fake environment created for illustration purposes only. 

Go from Insight to Action on Consolidation Opportunities 

The Execution and Prioritization module automatically highlights the domains in your organization, such as ‘Application Performance Management’, with multiple, overlapping solutions. This list helps you prioritize and organize the information needed to simulate different scenarios and ultimately, carry out an effective vendor consolidation strategy.
A screenshot of the Execution and Prioritization module, which automatically highlights the domains in your organization with multiple, overlapping solutions
This information is from a fake environment created for illustration purposes only. 

Compare Your Stack to Peers

When browsing for a domain, like ‘No Code and Low Code’, you can view a breakdown of which solutions are being used in your org vs peer organizations through Peer Benchmarking. This can highlight any major discrepancies in your stack or point you in the direction of highly used solutions when looking for new technology. 
A breakdown of which solutions are being used in your org vs peer organizations
This information is from a fake environment created for illustration purposes only. 
There’s also an alternative Peer Benchmarking option to the standard My Org Overview. It offers all the same great insights alongside industry-wide comparisons. Gauge vendor and solution usage against your peers. See how you stack up in areas such as cloud adoption, average vendor age, consolidation opportunities, portfolio utilization, and more.
Screenshot of the Peer Benchmarking alternative to the standard My Org Overview.
This information is from a fake environment created for illustration purposes only. 

Enhance Resiliency

The Resiliency Dashboard helps you prioritize and execute the strategic decisions needed to bolster your tech stack and comply with regulations, like DORA. It all starts with having a full understanding of your Third-Party Providers (TPPs), critical or important functions (CIFs), and any concentration risks. Entrio now indicates the presence of a CIF within any business unit or process and the TPPs associated with that CIF. It automatically identifies concentration risks and highlights the alternatives available to you, taking into account whether the solution is highly used by peers. This feature ensures that you are prepared for any contingency, maintaining smooth operations and minimizing disruptions. Strengthen your strategic planning with insights that prioritize resiliency and safeguard your key functions.
A screenshot of Entrio's Resiliency Dashboard.
This information is from a fake environment created for illustration purposes only. 

Streamline New Purchase Requests

Entrio can integrate with and simplify your purchase request process. We’ve found that this can often be a cumbersome and unique process in different organizations. So out of the box, we can provide essential vendor and solution details along with customizable fields to align with your organization's particular requirements. Users can automatically and accurately fill out form details, provide business justification, and kickstart the process hassle-free.
A screenshot of an embedded Permit To Buy feature in Entrio's Live Solution Catalog.
We've introduced a few new APIs that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. 

Get Taxonomy

Categorize all of your solutions by technology, shared business functions, and specific industry processes (like banking and insurance).

Get Alerts

Receive alerts* for select vendors detected in a specific date range.

Data Request

Accelerate the completion and QA review of any newly added solutions. 

Permit to Buy 

Incorporate Entrio into your Permit to Buy process to promote reusability. 

User Experience

Get Information Faster with Entrio Copilot

Entrio Copilot makes accessing all of the rich data within the Entrio platform even easier. Our proprietary data, taxonomy, and anonymized network insights combined with data from multiple LLMs creates a custom and secure data set for your organization.
A screenshot of Entrio Copilot.

Easily Scan Vendor & Solution Cards

Located throughout the platform, vendor and solution cards are now more streamlined and scannable, delivering you key information right off the bat. Every vendor and solution engaged with your organization is indicated through the “Institution” icon in the top right of the card, and your top vendors are highlighted further. If you have Peer Benchmarking, and the vendor or solution is engaged with other organizations, that is indicated through the “Global Network” icon. 
Close up of the vendor and solution cards.

Comparison Improvements 

Compare is quickly becoming one of the most powerful features of the Live Solutions Catalog. There are currently two ways to access comparisons: through an individual solution profile like “Appian” or through a domain search like “No Code and Low Code Development.” Users can now suggest additional solutions or provide comments regarding the alternative solutions that appear in the solution profiles.  
A screenshot of the comparison feature in a solution profile.
For comparisons from a domain search, we’ve added an option to let Entrio select the most relevant solutions to compare. If adjustments are needed, you can simply add to or remove the automatically selected solutions. 
A screenshot of the auto-compare feature in Entrio's Live Solutions Catalog.

Filter & View Improvements

The default filter in ‘Browse’ has changed from ‘Relevance’ to ‘Recent Activity’ to highlight any trending or new solutions in the Live Solutions Catalog. 
Screenshot of default filter in Entrio's Live Solutions Catalog.
A new list view has been added to the products, open source, and acquisition sections of a vendor profile. 
Screenshot of list view in Entrio's Live Solutions Catalog.
It’s also easier to suggest new solutions to add to the Live Solutions Catalog through the ‘Check more results’ link at the top of each search you complete in ‘Browse.’
Screenshot of ‘Check more results’ link at the top of each search result.

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